Letty Passes Her Driving Test FIRST TIME!

Congratulations to Letty Carey-Barnes on passing her driving test FIRST TIME at Worcester Driving Test Centre today. She was taught by Driving Instructor Gerry Badham ADI and this is what Petty thought:

After having lessons with various driving instructors and feeling that some of them were getting frustrated with my slow progress I found Gerry online & was attracted to her portfolio as I have traits of A.D.D and dyspraxia and thought her style of teaching might help me to refine the skills that i had begun developing. Sure enough her patient (I must have been rather frustrating to teach) and flexible manner allowed me to relax and persevere to a point where I amazingly passed my test first time. I’m very grateful to her as I am in no doubt that without her it would have taken me a lot longer to reach this point and I will now be able to drive during my 3rd year placement at university, giving me many more potential options in my career. Thank you Gerry! :D”

Can you get there before Christmas? Call us now on 01905 902012 or visit www.hdlearner.com for more details!
